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AGM change of venue

Duillich cha chi taigh seinne Mhargaidh fosgailte oidhche Luain:  mar sin bidh an coineamh choitcheann bhliadhnail aig an àite coimhearsnachd CD.

Sorry the Market Inn will  not be open on Monday night, so the AGM will be in the Castle Douglas Community Centre 7pm  Monday 22nd May 2023


Cotton Street, Castle Douglas , DG7 1AJ

Soraibh le Nicola; chàraid chòir, boireanach laghach.

Sad sad news: Nicola Black known, admired, loved by many of you passed away. No Cearcall Còmhradh in CD Wednesday 12 April 2023: instead it will be 19th April.
Nicola’s funeral will be on 12th April in Kirkpatrick Durham. If you would like to attend then please meet up at the village cross @11:45am to walk down to the village hall in Kirkpatrick Durham.
She was a very genuine person, bore her own ills lightly, and always brightened up any gathering by her presence.
Love, prayers and blessing to Blackie and all her family.

Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (place names of Scotland

Don’t miss the upcoming zoom talk by Eilidh Scammell 19:00 Wed 7th June on Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba and the work her organisation does providing authoritative Gaelic place-name forms for local councils, train operators and other ‘public’ bodies.

send to: BARBARA LEWIS e-mail: to register.

Madainn Cofaidh gach mios

The Market Inn at Castle Douglas proved to be an excellent venue! Easy to find – right next to the Mart, very warm and comfortable – newly decorated too, and the coffee was freshly ground and jolly good.. They had teas and hot chocolate as well. We paid £5.50 each and could have two hot drinks for that which was very fair. Everyone thought it was eminently suitable for what we were looking for.

Next Meeting :  Wednesday 7th December 2022 @ 10:30am – 12 noon