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Cò Sinne / Who are we?

Cò Sinne?

Chaidh Gàidhlig Dumgal a’ steidheachadh anns a Ghearrain 2011 le taic bho Chomhairle Dhùn-Phris‘s Ghall-Ghàidhealaibh agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson:

  1. brosnachadh fiosrachaidh, uidh agus gabhail pàirt anns a chanain,  litreachas, cèol agus rud sam bith eile buntainn ris a chultar Ghàidhlig  troimh Dhùn-Phris agus Ghall-Ghàidhealaibh;
  2. obrachadh còmhla ri buidheannan ionadail agus nàiseanta  airson brosnachadh chanan agus cultar na Gàidhlig:
  3. brosnachadh cleachdadh laitheal na Gàidhlig ;
  4. taic agus cuideachadh a’ thoirt gu daoine aig a bheil uidh ann a bhi doimhneachadh eòlais agus tuigse ‘s a Ghàidhlig;
  5. sireadh airgead airson na rudan roimhe a thoirt gu buil.

Who Are We?

Gàidhlig Dumgal was founded in February 2011 with support from Dumfries & Galloway Council and Bòrd na Gàidhlig to:

  1. promote awareness of, and interest and involvement in Gaelic language,  literature, music and other aspects of Gaelic culture throughout  Dumfries and Galloway;
  2. work in collaboration with other local and national organisations in the promotion and development of Gaelic language and culture:
  3. promote the use of Gaelic language in everyday life;
  4. provide support and encouragement to those interested in furthering their knowledge and understanding of Gaelic language and culture;
  5. secure funding that will support the objectives listed above.